The female half of the-group-that-can-do-no-wrong--at least in my eyes--Horan from Clazziquai created the band Ibadi (이바디) as an accoustic side project while Alex does his reality TV stint. Now, while I like a little Nora Jones and music of her ilk, I don't usually listen to Jazz music. With Ibadi though I was absolutely rooted to the spot by the first track 오후가 흐르는 숲 (oh-hoo-ga heu-reu-neun soop) and is currently one of my top 3 favorite tracks of the moment. Her rich, hypnotic voice almost immediately makes you feel you should be having a romcom moment: strolling arm in arm with some gorgeous guy with the song playing in the background.
The other tracks are just as great, with a liberal sprinkling of whimsy and almost an air of distraction about it. This is an absolute gem of an album great for easy listening on those long haul driving trips. It only suffers slightly from drag in the middle where it seems they spent a little too much time with their hanky in hand.
Here Horan sings one of the greatest pop songs evah from the 90's. Not part of the album but hey, still good!
5 out 5 This is great music!
27 4월, 2008
What Can't She Do?
라벨: accoustic, Clazziquai, Horan, Ibadi
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